


江军,博士,教授,泰山学者青年专家。2009年、2012年先后在华中师范大学获得化学、生物学双学士学位和微生物学硕士学位;2016年在加拿大国立科学研究院获得博士学位(导师Jean-François Laliberté教授)2017-2022年在美国加州大学戴维斯分校植物病理学系从事博士后研究工作(导师Bryce Falk教授)。20234月人才引进进入365买球官网入口365买球官网入口工作。代表性工作以第一作者(或共同第一作者)发表于Plant CellNew PhytologistJournal of Pest ScienceJournal of VirologyJournal of General Virology等国际主流杂志,参与合编著作《Current Research Topics in Plant Virology》。担任PLOS PathogensPhytopathology ResearchJournal of Virological Methods等期刊审稿专家。





1.   Jiang J, Yu E, Nihranz C, Prakash V, Varsani S, Casteel C. Engineering aphid transmission of foxtail mosaic virus in the presence of potyvirus helper component proteinase through coat protein modifications. J. Gen. Virol. 2023.

2.   Erickson A, Jiang J, Kuo YW, Falk BW. Generation of an infectious cDNA clone from archived RNA as a tool for investigating the biology of the Polerovirus Barley virus G. Virology. 2023.

3.   Jiang J, Erickson A, Qiao WJ, Matsumura E, Falk BW. Flock house virus as a vehicle for aphid Virus-induced gene silencing and a model for aphid biocontrol approaches. J. Pest Sci. 2022.

4.   Jiang J, Kuo YW, Salem N, Erickson A, Falk BW. Carrot mottle virus ORF4 movement protein targets plasmodesmata by interacting with the host cell SUMOylation system. New Phytol. 2021. (Faculty opinions推荐).

5.   Cabanillas DG*, Jiang J*(共同一作), Movahed N, Germain H, Yamaji Y, Zheng H, Laliberté JF. Turnip Mosaic Virus Uses the SNARE Protein VTI11 in an Unconventional Route for Replication Vesicle Trafficking. Plant Cell. 2018.

6.   Jin X, Cao X, Wang X, Jiang J, Wan J, Laliberté JF, Zhang Y. Three-Dimensional Architecture and Biogenesis of Membrane Structures Associated with Plant Virus Replication. Front. Plant Sci. 2018.

7.   Dagher F, Jiang J, Tijssen P, Laliberté JF. Antiviral activity of a novel composition of peracetic acid disinfectant on parvoviruses. Can. J. Vet. Res. 2017.

8.   Jiang J, Patarroyo C, Cabanillas DG, Zheng H, Laliberté JF. The Vesicle-Forming 6K2 Protein of Turnip Mosaic Virus Interacts with the COPII Coatomer Sec24a for Viral Systemic Infection. J. Virol.2015.

9.   Grangeon R, Jiang J, Wan J, Agbeci M, Zheng H, Laliberté JF. 6K2-induced vesicles can move cell to cell during turnip mosaic virus infection. Front. Microbiol. 2013.

10.  Grangeon R, Jiang J, Laliberté JF. Host endomembrane recruitment for plant RNA virus replication. Curr. Opin. Virol. 2012.

11.  Li Y, Dong Y, Jiang J, Yang Y, Liu K, Li Y. High prevalence of human parvovirus infection in patients with malignant tumors. Oncol. Lett. 2012.

12.  Jiang J, Laliberté JF. The genome-linked protein VPg of plant viruses-a protein with many partners. Curr. Opin. Virol. 2011.



1.   Jiang, J. and Laliberté, JF. Current Research Topics in Plant Virology: Membrane association for plant virus replication and movement, Springer. 2016.






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